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Barcelona Targets Cruise Ships In Its Latest Fight With Tourists

Barcelona Targets Cruise Ships in Its Latest Fight With Tourists

Residents March Through City to Protest Cruise Ship Traffic

City Council Bans Ships From Docking at One of Two Terminals

In a continued battle against overcrowding and excessive tourism, Barcelona has taken a step against cruise ships. The city has banned cruise ships from docking at one of the two terminals located within the city center. This move is part of a larger effort to reduce the number of cruise ships that dock in the city and alleviate the strain on its infrastructure and resources.

The local council in Spain's Barcelona is seeking to reduce the number of cruise ships that dock in the city. The ban affects one of the two terminals located in the city center and is intended to address concerns about overcrowding and the impact of cruise ship tourism on the city's infrastructure and environment.

As overtourism continues to throttle European cities, one destination has taken a step against it. Barcelona has partially banned cruise ships from docking at its central port at specific piers in a bid to curb the influx of tourists and alleviate the strain on its infrastructure.

The ban is part of a larger effort by Barcelona to reduce the number of cruise ships that dock in the city. The city has been struggling with overcrowding for years, and the presence of large cruise ships has only exacerbated the problem. The ban is intended to help reduce the number of tourists in the city center and improve the quality of life for residents.

The ban has been met with mixed reactions. Some residents support the move, saying that it will help to reduce overcrowding and pollution. Others argue that the ban will hurt the city's economy, which relies heavily on tourism. The city council is currently in negotiations with port authorities to find a compromise that will address the concerns of both residents and businesses.
